7 Ways For Small Businesses To Get Good Word Of Mouth


The most effective advertising a company can get is more difficult to achieve but much more effective and lasting than traditional media advertising. It is word of mouth advertising, and it is earned rather than purchased. It is your customers’ opinion of your product, which at times can be very vocal with praise or derision.

It is available to start-ups as well as large corporations. It can be achieved with minimal cash outlays by doing things right. It can be earned quickly or over a long period of time, depending on the product or service you are selling. Word of mouth is sometimes instantaneous. After people view a new movie, they talk about what they’ve just seen. It could be “What a great picture” or “This was a stiff.” Descriptive word spreads quickly, and new viewers of that movie result if those who saw and liked it tell their friends. On the other hand, word of mouth on an automobile takes a much longer time. Drivers are interested in how well the car drives, the ease and quality of service, the car’s trade-in value, how problems are handled, car breakdowns, etc.

Here are seven factors to consider for creating a good word of mouth for your company and its products.

1. Quality — From day one, all company employees must be aware of the importance of maintaining quality, and systems must be put in place to monitor it. Any products or components outsourced must be rigorously inspected to see that your standards are met.

2. Service — Regardless of whether your product is a high or low service one, customers’ problems with its use must be addressed and solved with a minimum of effort on the customer’s part and in a timely fashion.

3. Instructions — Many コラゲナイトは効果なし? products need to be assembled or explained. The instructions accompanying the product must be clear and concise. Many companies fail miserably in this area and devote little time and effort to it. Poor instructions can turn off consumers to all your future products and create bad word of mouth.


Make 'Word of Mouth' an Important Piece of Your Dental Practice Marketing Strategy


Word Of Mouth marketing is growing in popularity. Over 43% of U.S. Executives cite word of mouth as a top strategy for the coming year.

Notice the functional word in the above sentence is STRATEGY. Word of mouth is not a one time effort, single promotion, or even a project. Its an all-encompassing strategy that makes word of mouth a daily conscious piece of your practice marketing strategy.

The key to any word of mouth program is frequency. You need to develop a program that makes word of mouth a part of your everyday business life. Make it visible, and participatory to everyone involved; this includes staff as well as consumers.

Below are a few pieces to the word of mouth puzzle:

1.) A Monthly Practice Newsletter: Why don’t you do one? This is the easiest way to promote your practice, yourself, your office, and develop your brand in the community. 12 points of contact per year with your patient base in their home can be nothing but good for your practice.

2.) Professional Referrals: I’m not talking about the endodontist down the street, I’m talking about lawyers, accountants, tow truck drivers, real estate professionals. People that have a loyal customer base. (What better way is there to target new movers than have a real estate broker tell them about you? Talk about first contact.)

3.) Your staff: If you don’t get referrals from your staff, get rid of them. Joe Girard (Guinness’ World’s best salesman) came up with “Girard’s Law Of 250” which says, “Everyone knows 250 people in his or her life important enough to invite to a wedding and to the funeral.” The 250 people each of your staff members know should be coming into your practice.

4.) Your business card: How many of these are sitting in a drawer in your desk? These should be mini-postcards handed out each and every moment you have available. Leave one with the tip at dinner, give one to the bus driver, the mailman, anywhere and everywhere you can. You know 250 people too. They should all be コラゲナイトは効果なし? your patients. (Bonus: Put a New Patient offer on the card!)

5.) The most important part: supervise and track! Make word of mouth a part of your daily operational procedure. In the morning huddle, ask “Who did you talk to about our practice yesterday?” Some days your staff will have no leads, but it will keep it in their mind, and is a non-threatening way to remind them.